The Very Last First Time
Item Number: 3218
This is a Children's Text-Braille book, which means that in addition to raised Braille, it has extra features.What is a Text-Braille Book?
This book for the blind is offered in Original or Unified English Braille.What is Original Braille?What is Unified English Braille
Product Features
- Package Weight: about 11.6 ounces.
Product Description
"Eva, an Inuit girl, lives along Ungava Bay in northern Canada. In the winter, her people search for mussels along the bottom of the seabed. Although Eva has often joined her mother on these expeditions, today is the very first day she's climbing down through the ice hole by herself. A unique experience for young listeners and an intriguing introduction to another culture." - Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books.For ages 5 to 8.