A novel series written by American bestselling children writer Jon Scieszka. The books feature the adventures of three young boys (Joe, Fred, and Sam) through space and time with the aid of a strange object known as "The Book." It all begins during Joes seventh birthday when he is given an unusual blue present called "The Book" by his magician uncle. Using some print cues and voices, the book transports the three boys to different times and places: from the medieval periods of King Arthur of Camelot to 2095, where they get to meet their great-grandchildren. However, the only way that the boys can return to the present time in Brooklyn, New York is by finding the book again within the period they are in. This high-interest, low-vocabulary series is great for reluctant readers, and has plenty of humor sprinkled throughout. A magic book transports three second-graders to distant lands at forgotten times. Easy vocabulary and ready humor makes this series great for reluctant readers.
by Jon Scieszka, 37 pages . Three friends, Sam, Joe, and Fred, travel through time having action-packed, outlandish adventures. The snappy dialogue and classic "boy" humor in this series of chapter books will engage the most rel...
Item Number: 5993
$8.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon Scieszka, 41 pages . The Time Warp Trio is at it again. This time, Joe's magic book sends him and his friends Sam and Fred three hundred years into the past, where they land on a deserted island. When Blackbeard shows up ...
Item Number: 4809
$8.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon Scieszka, 53 pages . The third field trip of the Time Warp Trio lands them in the heart of the Old West. Far from enjoying the pulsating adventure of TV westerns, however, Fred, Sam and Joe suffer the dust-choked, mosquit...
Item Number: 5994
$8.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon scieszka, 61 pages . The Time Warp Trio is going back in time, all the way to the Stone Age, where there aren't any math problems. But there are plenty of other problems to keep Sam, Joe, and Fred on their toes, including...
Item Number: 5995
$9.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon Scieszka, 59 pages . While on a field trip to New York's Museum of Natural History, Joe, Sam, and Fred travel one hundred years into the future. Here, the Time Warp Trio find that their future is definitely worth waiting ...
Item Number: 4810
$9.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon Scieszka, 61 pages . If it wasn't hard enough keeping track of each other while time traveling thanks to THE BOOK, now there's a third party - a SISTER - to keep track of. Can the Time Warp Trio get themselves, and all th...
Item Number: 5996
$9.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon Scieszka, 63 pages . "Joe, Sam, and Fred are wrestling in Joe's bedroom after school one day when they accidentally bump into Joe's bookshelf, knocking off "The Book". This is no ordinary book because, when opened, it can...
Item Number: 4811
$10.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)
by Jon Scieszka, 63 pages . In their wildest dreams (or worst homework nightmares), Joe, Sam, and Fred never expected that their assignment to write Japanese haiku would land them face-to-face with an angry samurai warrior and h...
Item Number: 5997
$10.95 in Original Contracted Braille (Other Formats Available)