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The Hunting of the Snark

by Lewis Carroll, 39 pages
Item Number: 5354

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Product Features

  • Package Weight: about 15.8 ounces.

Product Description

Here's a masterpiece of nonsensical verse by the enigmatic author of Alice in Wonderland. This poem was inspired by the serendipitous line "For the Snark was a Boojum, you see," which Lewis Carroll claimed occurred to him while on a stroll one day. The fanciful eight-canto poem describes the sea voyage of a bellman, boots (bootblack), bonnet maker, barrister, broker, billiard marker, banker, beaver, baker, and butcher, and their search for the elusive, undefined Snark. This is a story, told all in verse, that sails along on magical language, surreal images, and an undercurrent of sly humor.

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(From the Poetry Books shelf.)