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Look Both Ways

, 177 pages
Item Number: 1509

This book for the blind is offered in Original or Unified English Braille.What is Original Braille?What is Unified English Braille

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Product Features

  • Package Weight: about 3.1 pounds.

Product Description

From National Book Award finalist and New York Times bestselling author Jason Reynolds comes a novel told in ten blocks, showing all the different directions a walk home can take.

This story was going to begin like all the best stories. With a school bus falling from the sky. But no one saw it happen. They were all too busy— Talking about boogers. Stealing pocket change. Skateboarding. Wiping out. Braving up. Executing complicated handshakes. Planning an escape. Making jokes. Lotioning up. Finding comfort. But mostly, too busy walking home.

Jason Reynolds conjures ten tales (one per block) about what happens after the dismissal bell rings, and brilliantly weaves them into one wickedly funny, piercingly poignant look at the detours we face on the walk home, and in life.

A New York Times Bestseller

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(From the Middle-School Real-Life Stories shelf.)