Now comes the fun part! We have 36 Happy Holidays, Anyone Celebrating Christmas cards to pick from, and I'll show them to you now. When you see one that looks good, just click "Take a Closer Look".
Friends, Happiness
Card says: Friends are a wonderful part of Christmas. With every good wish for your happiness at Christmastime ... and always.
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Forever Friends
Card says: Christmas is love, Love is friends, Friends are forever. Merry, merry Christmas!
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Winter Sky
Card says: May your Christmas be as full of joys As the winter sky is full of stars. Merry Christmas.
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Happiness and Fun
Card says: Have a merry and wonderful Christmas. 100% guaranteed joy and cheer. Hope it sparkles with happiness and fun.
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Favorite Time
Card says: Christmas time is here, Happiness and cheer, Fun for all that children call Their favorite time of year. Hope your holidays are bright With old favorites and new surprises.
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Warm Greetings
Card says: May your Christmas be filled with Happiness, Love and Peace. Warmest greetings of the Holiday Season, and good wishes for the New Year.
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Old-Fashioned Greeting
Card says: A warm old-fashioned greeting, Especially for you ... A very merry Christmas, And a happy new year too!
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Wonder of Christmas
Card says: Wishing you all the wonder and beauty of Christmas. Have a Holiday filled with fun and joy with the ones you love.
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Merry and Bright
Card says: Here's wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season, And a New Year filled with Peace and Happiness. May your Christmas be Merry and Bright!
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Tall and Small
Card says: To each of you, the tall and small, Merry Christmas to one and all.
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Holiday Fun
Card says: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! So get caught up in the holiday fun, And make this Christmas your merriest one. Have a wonderful holiday season ... and your happiest new year ever.
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Moment it Starts
Card says: May your Christmas time be bright from the moment it starts, With each wonderful thing that brings joy to your hearts, And may each tomorrow, throughout the year, Bring even more gladness, contentment and cheer. Warm wishes this season, and a happy new year.
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Bright with Cheer
Card says: For you and yours. Wishing you a Christmas bright with cheer, Glowing with the seasons gladness ... And warm with love.
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Finest Ever
Card says: We wish you a merry Christmas, And we'd also like to add, We're hoping it's the finest One you've ever had! Merry Christmas, happy New Year.
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Things Happen
Card says: The nicest things happen at Christmas, The whole world seems different and new ... And this brings a bunch of warm wishes, That the nice things happen to you! Merry Christmas.
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Package of Wishes
Card says: A package of wishes That Christmas will bring you Bundles of joy. Happy holidays!
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Remain with you
Card says: Merry Christmas to you! May the beauty and joy of Christmas remain with you throughout the new year. Wishing you all the blessings of the Christmas season.
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Let Christmas Happen
Card says: Let Christmas happen in your heart. Thinking of you and wishing you, Happiness at Christmas time, And all through the season.
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Card says: When I say Merry Christmas, that's just shorthand for something more. Because what I'm really wishing is happiness that spills over into all the ordinary days, And wishing good gifts ... both the kind that unwrap and the kind that unfold over time. I'm wishing that moments would be sweet, and life would be kind, And I'm wishing those things with all my heart when I say Merry Christmas.
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Humorous, Grand
Card says: I really feel like playing Santa Claus this year, So I'm sending you 5 grand For a little holiday cheer. Have a grand, grand, grand, grand, grand Christmas!
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Humorous, Santa's List
Card says: Santa asked me if you were good this year, and I said No. ... You were terrific. Merry Christmas.
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Humorous, Reindeer
Card says: The forecast for Christmas day ... 100% chance of reindeer! Merry Christmas.
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Magic of Christmas
Card says: Cloistering clouds can touch the peaceful seas When dusk descends with slanting heavenly light, And quietly, the silent silver day, Is drifting into magic Christmas night. May the magic of Christmas be yours.
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Kid, Santa Express
Card says: Make way! The Santa Express is coming down the track, With a toot toot of the whistle and a clickety-clack. And because you are so special, it's headed right your way, All loaded down with wishes for a happy Christmas day! Merry Christmas, happy new year, have lots of fun.
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Kid, Morning Till Night
Card says: Hope your Christmas is merry and bright, Filled with enjoyment from morning till night. Hope the year brings lots of happiness, too, For if anyone deserves it, it's certainly you! Have a wonderful holiday.
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Kid, Lots of Things
Card says: Hope Santa brings you lots of things, To make this Christmas day, The kind that's lots of fun for you, In every single way. Merry Christmas, have lots of fun.
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Kid, First Christmas
Card says: Hope your first Christmas is happy and bright From the time you wake up till you go nighty-night. Merry Christmas, Little One.
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Card says: I'm giving you a hug for Christmas. ... You can exchange it for a bigger size if you want to. Merry Christmas.
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Heart can Hold
Card says: Because you mean so very much, This comes to wish you a Christmas day, Filled with: All the joy a day can bring, All the love a heart can hold, And all the happiness you so deserve. Merry Christmas.
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Bright and Joyful
Card says: Wonderful wishes for a bright and joyful Christmas. Through each moment of your holidays, may every happiness be yours.
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Family, Filled with Cheer
Card says: Christmas wishes for the whole family. A holiday that's filled with cheer, Happiness throughout the year, And every single wish come true, That's what this warmly wishes you! Marry Christmas, and happy new year.
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Love, All of You
Card says: Wishes with love for all of you. May love fill every moment as your family gathers near, Beneath the glittering branches of your Christmas tree this year. And may those special wishes that are meant for all of you, Remind you that your close in heart and loved the whole year through. Merry Christmas.
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Both of You, First Christmas
Card says: For your first Christmas together. It's a wonderful time for dreaming of, The years you'll share, the joy and love. It's a wonderful time for others too, To send warm thoughts and wishes to you. Have a wonderful Christmas together.
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Both of You, Happy Days
Card says: Hope the holidays are happy days For both of you this year, Just filled with all those special things That bring you joy and cheer. Merry Christmas, and happy new year!
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Both of You, Brief
Card says: Wishing you both, The special joy that only Christmas brings.
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Miss You
Card says: I miss you. Just peaking in to wish you this, To say I'm thinking of our special times together, And I'm sending you lots of love. Merry Christmas.
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Card says: Nothing. It is blank to allow you to add your own message.
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